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por steveyb postado Jan 9 2016, 7:49

i am looking to create a bot that many users can chat with, they will not be registered users of bot libre

by admin posted Jan 9 2016, 8:51
You do not have to be a registered user to chat with a bot.
Do you want the users to chat 1v1 or in a chatroom? You can create a chatroom under our Live Chat that allows anonymous users and link the bot to the chatroom.

You can also embed a bot or chatroom on your own website or mobile app through our embed tool, JavaScript SDK, mobile SDK, or web API.

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Views: 2073, today: 4, week: 12, month: 49

by steveyb posted Jan 9 2016, 9:07

1 to 1, would like users name to be recorded too

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Views: 2164, today: 6, week: 12, month: 54

by admin posted Jan 9 2016, 11:52
Is it for your own website, or a mobile app, or something else?

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Views: 2121, today: 3, week: 11, month: 46

by steveyb posted Jan 9 2016, 13:01

its for inside a virtual world


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Views: 2080, today: 3, week: 11, month: 54

by admin posted Jan 10 2016, 8:29
Then you would most likely be using the web API. What language is the virtual world interface in?

For the web API you just need to include your user application ID from your user page, and your bot's ID. The first web API message will return a conversation ID which you use for other chat messages in the same conversation. So each user you interface with would get a different conversation ID for each conversation.

To record the user's name, just send a message like "My name is Jim" as your first message, then you will have a record of the user's name (a if you have the MyNameIs script the bot will know the user's name, or you can write your own script or response formula for different syntax/response).

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Views: 2208, today: 4, week: 13, month: 54

by steveyb posted Jan 10 2016, 8:55

I have done the first bit, the logs show the user as anonymous

so the bot cannot resume the convo


unless there is a way of uploading the chat log recorded by the php script, I suppose I would need to convert that to aiml first?


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Views: 2192, today: 4, week: 12, month: 49

by admin posted Jan 10 2016, 20:05
Not sure I understand what you are trying to do?

Bot's can resume a conversation if you use the conversation id.

You can upload chat logs and response lists in plain text format from your bot's Admin Console, Training & Chat Logs page.

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Views: 2192, today: 4, week: 12, month: 45

by steveyb posted Jan 11 2016, 3:01

even if the convo was labelled anonymous?

is there any way that plain text chat log can be sent by an api call?

thanks for your input by the way

are you connected with bot libre?


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Views: 2171, today: 5, week: 12, month: 52

by admin posted Jan 11 2016, 7:21

Yes, even if the user was anonymous.

There is not REST API that takes a chat log, but their is a training API

It takes a POST XML entity like,

<training operation="AddResponse"> <question>Hello there</question> <response>Hi, how are you</response> </training>

You could probably also POST to chat-log-upload URL that the "Training & Chat Logs" page uses with a HttpPost request that was connected.

Yes, I am a developer of Bot Libre.

Updated: Jan 11 2016, 7:24
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Views: 2201, today: 4, week: 11, month: 45

by steveyb posted Jan 11 2016, 9:27

what would the format of the chat log upload and required fields?


do i need bot libre or paphus live?


how long does the conversation id stay valid?

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Views: 2236, today: 5, week: 11, month: 54

by admin posted Jan 11 2016, 13:51
Why are you uploading a chat log? Are you trying to teach your bot new responses, or do something else?

For supported formats see,

Bot Libre and Paphus Live Chat support the same APIs.

The conversations are persisted in the bot's database, so the conversation ids should remain valid indefinitely, or at least until the bot's knowledge limit is exceeded.

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Views: 2425, today: 5, week: 13, month: 43

by steveyb posted Jan 11 2016, 14:35

because all the responses so far have indicted anonymous user, despite sending user name and application id, I assumed the bot wouldn't learn from them


at the moment I am getting no response at all, yet the number of application calls is incrementing



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Views: 2186, today: 4, week: 11, month: 46

by admin posted Jan 11 2016, 16:07
I checked our logs, and the response your are getting is "Invalid password" this is because you are passing a "user" parameter but no "password" or "token" parameter. If you want to connect to the bot as a specific user you need to pass the user password or token.

For an anonymous user just don't include a user parameter, then you will get a response.

If you set your bot to learn from "everyone" (as you bot current does) then it will learn from all users, including anonymous users. Normally this is not a good idea, as other users can teach your bot bad responses, but it depends what type of bot you want to create.

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Views: 2310, today: 4, week: 12, month: 51

by steveyb posted Jan 11 2016, 16:49

ok, i'll look at that in my morning, it should make life easier

I will store conversation ids with users in a database so I can make convos resume with memory


the api for the more expensive [paphos) option looks more detailed, but you say they are the same?



on paid plans are anonymous calls limited?


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Views: 2069, today: 3, week: 11, month: 48

by admin posted Jan 11 2016, 17:10
Although conversation ids do not expire, you still probably don't want to have a conversation go on indefinitely.

The API for Bot Libre and Paphus Live Chat are the same, to API limits are different.
See, and

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Views: 2244, today: 4, week: 12, month: 48

by steveyb posted Jan 12 2016, 2:23

I can put a time limit on it at my end but is there any need?

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Views: 2284, today: 5, week: 14, month: 55

by admin posted Jan 12 2016, 9:05
There is no need, but an endless conversation could be harder for the bot to follow, and it would not be able to initiate the conversation with a greeting and such.

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Views: 2217, today: 4, week: 14, month: 52

by steveyb posted Jan 12 2016, 12:54


tell me about learning?

I tried the form on my bot - nothing seen on the page, errors created in logs



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Views: 2190, today: 6, week: 12, month: 45

by admin posted Jan 12 2016, 15:54
When learning is enabled, the bot will learn every user's response to its response. So the bot will add a new response for each user response to its last response.


What error do you get, and what are you trying to do?

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Views: 2363, today: 4, week: 13, month: 49

by steveyb posted Jan 12 2016, 16:07

no error, no response but this in the logs

2016-01-12 12:45:54.991 - WARNING -- wiki


I was adding knowledge from admin console - web import

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Views: 2181, today: 3, week: 11, month: 52

by admin posted Jan 13 2016, 7:26
Sounds like you entered an invalid URL. What URL did you enter, and what are you trying to do?

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Views: 2133, today: 3, week: 13, month: 54

by steveyb posted Jan 13 2016, 7:48

it was a link on your website, admin > web> i typed wolf for the keyword

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Views: 2155, today: 4, week: 12, month: 49

by admin posted Jan 13 2016, 9:48
For the Web import page there is an "Import From" drop down that indicates the source.
When the source is "Web" you must enter a valid web URL, for Wiktionary and Freebase, you can enter a keyword.

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Views: 2269, today: 3, week: 11, month: 47

Id: 11965696
Tags: live chat, ai
Postado: Jan 9 2016, 7:49
Respostas: 23
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