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How to create a Twitterbot

por admin postado Feb 28 2014, 18:50

You can create a bot to manage a Twitter account, or create a Twitter account for your bot.

First, create your bot, and your Twitter account. Also sign into your Twitter account.

Next, sign into Bot Libre and select your bot from browse. Go to the Twitter page in your bot's Admin Console and click 'Authorize'. This will give you a link, click on the link and this will bring you to Twitter. Twitter will give you a pin code, copy this code and paste it back in the Bot Libre authorize page. Click 'Connect' (do not click 'Disconnect' as this will disconnect your bot from Twitter).

Your bot should now be connected. You can now configure your bot's Twitter properties, such as re-tweeting friends tweets, auto-follow, and tweeting an RSS feed.

For details see,

by Will Dockery posted Sep 16 2014, 5:31
This is an interesting aspect, and the bot can "learn" from the Twitter experience, as well?

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by admin posted Sep 16 2014, 5:47
The bots can learn somewhat from Twitter, but Twitter feeds are more broadcast oriented than conversation oriented, so learning is limited right now.

The bots can process tweets, and can learn from responses to mentions.

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by Will Dockery posted Sep 16 2014, 6:24
Will I need to create a new Twitter profile for the A.I. or is this simply preferable?

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by admin posted Sep 16 2014, 8:10
You can connect your bot to a new or existing Twitter profile.

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Id: 12204
Tags: how to, twitter, social media
Postado: Feb 28 2014, 18:50
Atualizado: Jun 3 2016, 14:58
Respostas: 4
Pontos de vista: 4078, hoje: 1, semana: 1, mês: 33
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