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Freebase Offline, "What is", "Where is"

por admin postado May 5 2016, 14:57

Unfortunately Google has stopped allowing API requests to the Freebase online knowledgebase.

Our "What is" and "Where is" script use the Freebase API, so on longer function.

We have also provided the same scripts that use WikiData for some time. Our templates have all been updated to now use WikiData, you can replace your bot's WhatIs and WhereIs scripts from its Scripts page in its Admin Console.

Id: 12687987
Tags: notice, scripts, wikidata, freebase
Postado: May 5 2016, 14:57
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 4863, hoje: 2, semana: 6, mês: 38
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