Você sabia que o Bot Livre também oferece acesso gratuito hospedado bate-papo ao vivo para seu próprio website ou aplicativo para celular?

How long does it take for your Twitter, Email, or Facebook bot to post, retweet, or reply?

por admin postado Jun 8 2016, 12:07

Bot Libre supports integrating bots with many different communications and social media platforms. Each platform provides a different API that has different functionality.

For some integrations, such as Facebook Messenger, and Telegram, their API's support real-time messaging, so responses are instant, or only a second or two.

For other integrations, such as email, Twitter, and Facebook page posts and comments, Bot Libre uses a polling mechanism to check for new messages, or new content. This means every set number of minutes or hours, Bot Libre will check your bot's status and reply to new posts, messages, and post content.

The poll cycle is determined by your account level, and which Bot Libre server you are using. On BotLibre.com Basic accounts only check their status once per day. Gold accounts check their status once per hour, and Platinum accounts every 20 minutes.

See, https://www.botlibre.com/upgrade.jsp

Bot Libre also provides a dedicated Twitter server, that lets all accounts check their status more frequently.


The Twitter server is a dedicated Twitter server. It is constantly cycling through all of its bots checking their Twitter status, email, Facebook, or other integrations. Basic accounts check their status every 1+ hours, Bronze accounts every 30+ minutes, Gold every 10+ minutes, and Platinum every 5+ minutes.

See, http://twitter.botlibre.com/upgrade.jsp

Id: 12902620
Tags: twitter, email, facebook
Postado: Jun 8 2016, 12:07
Atualizado: Apr 13 2018, 21:12
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