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Self, AIML, and scripting : date and time script

RE: date and time script

por Paphus postado Sep 21 2016, 9:01

The AIML spec only defines the format option for the date tag. The locale and timezone options are PandoraBot extensions.

I will look into adding support for them to our AIML support.

You can also use Self code inside AIML.

<template>{Date.setTimeZone(Date.time(), "CET")}</template>

Id: 14039793
Tags: aiml, dates
Postado: Sep 21 2016, 9:01
Atualizado: Sep 21 2016, 9:02
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 2608, hoje: 1, semana: 6, mês: 1
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