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Create a greeting with data from Google BigQuery

por hikaru19 postado Jan 20 2017, 19:14

I have a database on Google BigQuery, and would like to create a greeting that use data obtained from that database through the Google API Client Libraries in JavaScript. 

Is that possible? 

Thank you! 

by admin posted Jan 20 2017, 20:56
You can access any web service using a Self script.

For a greeting you can use a "redirect" or "srai" template to redirect to a script.
Template("{redirect "call bigquery"}")

Then you have a script like,
state Greeting { pattern "call bigquery" answer callBigQuery(); function callBigQuery() { var json = Http.requestJSON(...); ... }

Updated: Jan 20 2017, 20:57
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Id: 15236610
Postado: Jan 20 2017, 19:14
Atualizado: Jan 20 2017, 20:51
Respostas: 1
Pontos de vista: 1668, hoje: 1, semana: 1, mês: 4
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