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FAQ : What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

RE: What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

por marlonZA postado Jan 22 2017, 9:55

Hey there

There are some docs on this (i know, it's hard to find, and confusingly organised), helpful to my previous endeavours.

http://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=483549 (read it all, but scroll down almost to the bottom for chat logs)

or if you want to give the Self scripting a go:http://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=699077

Hope this helps


Id: 15250581
Postado: Jan 22 2017, 9:55
Atualizado: Jan 22 2017, 11:27
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 4334, hoje: 2, semana: 9, mês: 32
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