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Can i use notepad to make aml script

por bobred postado May 4 2017, 11:31

Can i use notepad to make aml script?

What extension do i use for the notepad file?

by admin posted May 4 2017, 12:48
Yes, you can edit AIML in notepad or any text editor. Normally the .aiml extension is used for AIML files.

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Views: 1628, today: 1, week: 15, month: 1

by bobred posted May 4 2017, 13:11

Is the aiml right?




       <pattern>Is[an a] [cat dog horse kangaroo lion snake alligator crocodile cheetah rat shark squid bat lemur eagle condor eel] an animal<pattern>

<template>Yes it is.<template>



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Views: 1531, today: 2, week: 15, month: 2

by admin posted May 4 2017, 15:53
Nope, XML requires '/' on the end of tags.
<aiml> <category> <pattern>Is[an a] [cat dog horse kangaroo lion snake alligator crocodile cheetah rat shark squid bat lemur eagle condor eel] an animal</pattern> <template>Yes it is.</template> </category> </aiml>

Updated: May 4 2017, 15:53
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Views: 1513, today: 1, week: 15, month: 1

by bobred posted May 4 2017, 18:34

Could not make it work.I imported it as aiml script but it did not work.And i put it in a notepad file with the extension aiml.


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Views: 1625, today: 1, week: 17, month: 1

by admin posted May 5 2017, 10:42
The image you attached is not readable.
What error are you getting?

For learning how to use AIML see,

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Views: 1650, today: 2, week: 17, month: 2

by bobred posted May 5 2017, 12:16

I made a screenshot of it.Is there anyway to enlarge it?

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Views: 1573, today: 1, week: 15, month: 1

by admin posted May 5 2017, 21:17
Attach it as a file to the post, or email it to [email protected]

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Views: 1574, today: 2, week: 13, month: 2

by bobred posted May 6 2017, 10:02

Here is the aiml and the error file.I am having trouble with my chatbot answering all the question when i import it as a chatlog for some reason.errors.txt

my animals.aiml.txt

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Views: 1714, today: 2, week: 15, month: 2

by admin posted May 8 2017, 9:14
Which bot are you importing the file into?

The file looks correct, as long as you import it as an AIML file, ensure you are importing it as AIML not response list, chat log , or Self.

Also, you have enabled learning for your bot, and have corrupted their response. Learning should be disabled, otherwise your bot will learn every response as a new response. You will need to reset your bot, create a new bot, or clean up its response from its Training & Chat Logs page.


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Views: 1788, today: 2, week: 16, month: 2

by bobred posted May 8 2017, 10:36

i imported the aiml script as a chat log.someone said i could do that. It has the extension aiml.You can browse the chatbot browse webpage of this websight.Then you will

my chatbot which is named blair.That is the one i am importing my aiml script into.I made about three or four that are public.I was using brainbot as a template because 

i wanted it's knowledge.I changed it's voice and avatar.It made it easier.I guess it is a mod. 


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Views: 1609, today: 2, week: 14, month: 2

by admin posted May 8 2017, 12:44
Sometimes it is better to import AIML as a script, from your bot's Scripts page.

You can also import it from the Training & Chat Logs page, but you must select "AIML" as the format.

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Views: 1640, today: 3, week: 16, month: 3

by bobred posted May 9 2017, 14:05

That does not even work anymore.I cannot import it that way.Here is my file.my animals.aiml.txt

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Views: 1735, today: 4, week: 27, month: 4

by admin posted May 9 2017, 14:32
I fixed your bot,


To have this script and verified that it works.
You can see the script "aiml" under Scripts.

I also disabled learning in the bot, and deleted its garbage responses you had added because you had learning enabled.

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Views: 1865, today: 3, week: 17, month: 3

by bobred posted May 9 2017, 16:56

Okay that works.

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Views: 1702, today: 3, week: 18, month: 3

Id: 16920821
Postado: May 4 2017, 11:31
Respostas: 14
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