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Bot Libre Forum : Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

RE: Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

por admin postado Aug 21 2017, 14:56

If you ant to pass a value from your page to the bot, you need to use JavaScript for this. You would pass the value to the bot through a message or a command.

The bot could also parse a file from a URL, or send a request to a web service.
If you have an XML or JSON file online, the bot can parse it in Self using,




To access data from an HTML file you need to scrape the data from the HTML using an XPath,

Http.requestHTML(url, xpath)

Id: 18753768
Postado: Aug 21 2017, 14:56
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 8446, hoje: 1, semana: 3, mês: 34
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