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Difference between required topic and exclusive topic

por alp-shah postado Nov 28 2018, 0:12

I have gone through this blog post and tried to understand but still not clear to me.

For required topic it says

 it you click on 'Require Topic', then the response will only be used if that topic is active in the conversation.

And for Exclusive topic it says

For exclusive topics only response that have the same topic as the active topic will be used. No other responses will be used


For me both says response will be used when same topic is active in conversation. So then what is difference? Can you explain me with some good example to clearly differentiate them?

by admin posted Nov 28 2018, 7:56

Basically exclusive topics ignore all non-topic responses.

So if you had:

default: What else do you want to chat about?

default: What else do you want to know about sports?
require topic: sports

Do you like me?
response: I like you a little bit.

response: What about what?

response: Are we talking about sports?
topic: sports

response: What sport are we talking about?
require topic: sports

Lets talk about sports
response: What sport are we talking about?
exclusive topic: sports

So if the user asks "What?" the bot would respond "What about what?" or "Are we talking about sports?" as the topic is not "required". If the user asks "Do you like me?" the bot will respond "I like you a little bit.". If the user asks "something else" the bot will respond "What else do you want to chat about?".

If the "sports" topic is active (user said "Lets talk about sports"), then if the user asks "What?" the bot would respond "What sport are we talking about?" or "Are we talking about sports?" as the topic is active. If the user asks "Do you like me?" the bot will not respond "I like you a little bit." as the topic is exclusive and the response does not match the topic. It will instead use its topic default "What else do you want to know about sports?". If the user asks "something else" the bot will respond "What else do you want to know about sports?".

If the topic was not exclusive, then if the user had asked "Do you like me?" the bot would have responded with "I like you a little bit.".

So exclusive topics let you isolated a conversation from your bot's other responses. Note that if you set a topic to be exclusive it is a property of the topic, not the response, it applies anywhere the topic is used.

Updated: Nov 28 2018, 7:57
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by alp-shah posted Dec 7 2018, 2:22

Thanks.  This is great explanation.

Well, I have 2 queries.

Once exclusive topic is set (user said "Lets talk about sports"),  then how do I set it null? if someone ask What? and answer is "are we talking about sports", will it reset exclusiveness as this answer has just topic and not exclusive.

One more thing is, I don't want any answer without topic (due to conflicting answers for same question across topic). So I have set "required topic" for all responses and I ask user to select topic first. How do I set topic before user ask anything? As soon as chat starts, I want to set some default topic and then on User can change topic and all response from that topic will be answered. How do i achieve that?

Updated: Dec 7 2018, 9:10
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by admin posted Dec 7 2018, 9:10

You can clear the topic using the Self code "conversation.topic = null" either from a Template or a think block.

You can set the initial topic in a greeting.

greeting: Welcome, lets talk about sports.
topic: sports

clear the topic
template: Okay, I was getting tired of talking about {conversation.topic} anyway. {think(conversation.topic=null)}
condition: conversation.topic != null

clear the topic 2
Okay, I was getting tired of talking about it anyway.
think: conversation.topic = null;

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Id: 25144336
Postado: Nov 28 2018, 0:12
Respostas: 3
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