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Is there a maximum message size?

por randywreed postado Mar 25 2021, 18:35

I notice my bot does not finish speaking messages that are long. Is there a maximum message size?

by admin posted Mar 26 2021, 7:50
The maximum size depends on the speech provider. For the Bot Libre voices to max size is 800 characters. For other speech providers it is less.

In general chat messages should not be that long, as this would be a poor conversational interface. Consider splitting up your message into multiple messages using a conversation flow.

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by randywreed posted Mar 29 2021, 9:12

Ah, thanks for that. I'm using an HTML5 voice. Do you know what the size limit is for that?

Thanks for your help.


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by admin posted Mar 30 2021, 10:24
HTML5 depends on the browser, version, voice, and OS.
For Chrome think the speech stops after 200-300 characters if you use any of the Google voices, but the limit is based on time not characters. If you use the native desktop voices, (default if you don't set a voice), then the limit is much larger.

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Id: 37855412
Postado: Mar 25 2021, 18:35
Respostas: 3
Pontos de vista: 1238, hoje: 2, semana: 6, mês: 19
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