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Bots : how to train a bot to use limited vocaulary to chat?

RE: how to train a bot to use limited vocaulary to chat?

por admin postado Aug 2 2022, 12:14

Normally a bot is trained using a set of questions and responses see,

There are also other methods, such as scripting using Self, or AIML, or using "Synthesize Response".

by userbotlibre posted Aug 3 2022, 21:43


a chat bot i want is not for customer service, it is for normal conversation. it is just like a person talk to other on socail media platform.

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Id: 43938369
Postado: Aug 2 2022, 12:14
Respostas: 1
Pontos de vista: 808, hoje: 2, semana: 2, mês: 52
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