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Bot Libre Forum : Retweet all accounts the bot is Following?

RE: Retweet all accounts the bot is Following?

por admin postado Jan 16 2015, 11:23

Looks like you have set things up correctly to retweet most tweets relevant to cycling. Currently retweeting everything is not allowed.

On BOT libre's main site, the Twitterbots only check their status once per day. You can manually click on the "Check Status" button on the Twitter page to test it, or have them check their status again. There is also a maximum number of retweets allowed per status check cycle.

BOT libre has a dedicated Twitterbot server at, http://twitter.botlibre.com/ this server continuously cycles through all of the Twitterbots, so they will check their status more frequently. The Gold and Bronze bots will also check their status more frequently.


Id: 708178
Postado: Jan 16 2015, 11:23
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 3180, hoje: 1, semana: 6, mês: 55
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