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Twitterbots now have option to check status every 20 minutes

por admin postado Apr 14 2015, 16:35

We have a dedicated Twitterbot server that continuously cycles all Twitterbots and has a 10 minute cycle for Gold bots.

For users who want their bot on our main server to monitor a Twitter account we have now added upgrade options to allow this.

You can now upgrade your Twitterbot on BOT libre to allow it to check it status more frequently.

Currently Gold bots check their status in a 1 hour cycle, and Platinum bots check their status in a 20 minute cycle.

Basic and Bronze bots will only check their status once per day.

see, upgrade

Id: 857410
Tags: notice, twitter
Postado: Apr 14 2015, 16:35
Atualizado: Apr 14 2015, 20:44
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 4405, hoje: 1, semana: 1, mês: 8
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