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Website update, new learning options

por admin postado Apr 16 2015, 20:19

There was another minor website update this week.

Some new learning options were added.

From your bot's Learning page you can now configure your bot's learning rate.

The learning rate allows you to set the rate at which the bot learns new responses.  Previously a bot would learn a new response after it heard it used a single time.  Now you can lower the learning rate to require the bot to hear the same response several times before it considers it a good response.

Also a new learn option was added to the chat page and API.  This lets the user disable learning for a specific chat session, or if the user is an administrator enabled learning for a specific chat session.

Id: 862698
Tags: notice, api, website update, learning
Postado: Apr 16 2015, 20:19
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 4603, hoje: 1, semana: 10, mês: 65
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