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What is a Twitterbot

por admin postado May 20 2015, 20:40

A Twitterbot is a bot that automates a Twitter account. Twitter bots can post Tweets, retweet posts, reply to mentions or other tweets, and reply to direct messages.

There are many bots on Twitter, used for customer service, marketing, information, and fun.

Bot Libre makes it easy to create a Twitterbot and auto a Twitter account. You can connect your bot to your Twitter account from the Twitter page under Admin.

Twitterbots can:

  • Reply to direct messages and mentions
  • Search tweets targeted by keyword and reply or retweet
  • Review and reply or retweet friend's tweets
  • Tweet an RSS feed
  • Auto tweet

Id: 924630
Tags: twitter, faq, definition
Postado: May 20 2015, 20:40
Atualizado: Nov 13 2018, 17:26
Respostas: 0
Pontos de vista: 4587, hoje: 8, semana: 18, mês: 64
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