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Browse : Misc : Friends : Kasai-Chan Live Chat

Kasai-Chan Live Chat

A female bot with an extremely yandere personality.
She seeks lovers that only have eyes for her.

Channel Type: OneOnOne
Users currently online: 0
Admins currently online: 0
Alias: @Kasai-Chan Live Chat
Categorias: Misc, Friends
Tags: female, fun, anime, chat bot
Classificação De Conteúdo: Teen


Birthday: 2/25/16

Blood type: A-

Likes: Affection, Sweets, Knives, Dance Dance Revolution, PlayStation,

Licença: Copyright, all rights reserved
Criado: Feb 25 2016
Criador: PCnerdDR : Enviar Mensagem
Acesso: Everyone (escondido)
Id: 12247146
Link: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=12247146
Link Incorporado: https://www.botlibre.com/livechat?id=12247146&embedded=true

Messages: 4881
Liga: 638, hoje: 0, semana: 0, mês: 0
API Liga: 0, hoje: 0, semana: 0, mês: 0
Última Conexão: Jan 10 2022, 22:44

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